Waste Management
Phone: 09 636 7599
Maurice Road, Penrose, Auckland
Drop off and collection services available. Drop off by appointment only.
This is a paid service – please call Waste Management for current pricing.
Abilities Group
Phone: 027 229 2250
Email: peterf@abilities.co.nz
91 Hillside Rd, Glenfield, Auckland 0627
Drop off is $25/m3 + gst, price varies for pickup.
Barnes Plastics
Phone: 64 9 579 9725
368 Church Street, Penrose, Auckland 1061
Our factory recycles all waste generated in our manufacturing process.
We offer free recycling to all our customers. Please arrange a time for drop off.
Free ‘drop off’ to our factory of ‘clean’ polystyrene that is bagged. (this service is for private individuals).
Croxley Recycling
Phone: 0800 180160
9 Astley Ave, New Lynn, Auckland 0600
Drop off charge 40c - 85c a kilo - if it is clean and delivered. Pick up also available. Email for pricing
EPS Foam
Phone: 09 299 6901
80b Hunua Road. Papakura, Auckland
Our factories recycle all waste generated in our manufacturing process.
We offer free recycling to all our customers. Please arrange a time for drop off.
Free ‘drop off’ to our factory of ‘clean’ polystyrene that is bagged. (this service is for private individuals) Commercial Service - ‘bulk bags’ (which we supply) at a cost of $25.00 each
Phone: 09 634 3449 or 0800 86 33 73
105 Captain Springs Rd, Onehunga, Auckland
Drop off available, price varies. Please call to arrange a time with EXPOL.
Collection available, price varies. Please call EXPOL to arrange collection.
Clean uncontaminated polystyrene only.
EXPOL reserve the right to refuse drop off and collection for large volumes, or where volumes exceed processing capacity.
Phone: 09 279 9611
34 Grayson Ave, Papatoetoe, Auckland
Styrobeck Ltd
Phone 09 278 7175
139 Roscommon Road, Manukau City
Waitakere Refuse and Recycling Centre
Phone: 09 301 0101
50 The Concourse, Henderson, Auckland 0610
Drop off has minimum charge $90, no pickup
Whangaparāoa Community Recycling Centre
Phone: 0800 426 5169
Email: hibiscuscoastzerowaste@gmail.com
637 Whangaparaoa Road, Stanmore Bay
Price varies for Drop off, no pickup
JJ International Ltd
Phone: 09 427 8964 or 027 2747065
Email: john@jjintlltd.co.nz
296 Duck Creek Road, Stillwater, Silverdale
Price varies for Drop off, Large quantities only.
Waste Management
Phone: (07) 349 0222
6 Hamiora Pl, Ngapuna, Rotorua 3010
This is a paid service – please call Waste Management for current pricing.
Phone: 027 588 0015
7 Maru Street, Mount Maunganui
Email: sales@expol.co.nz
Drop off available, price varies. Please call to arrange a time with EXPOL.
Collection available, price varies. Please call EXPOL to arrange collection.
Clean uncontaminated polystyrene only.
EXPOL reserve the right to refuse drop off and collection for large volumes, or where volumes exceed processing capacity.
EPS Foam
Phone: 07 577 0994
110 Birch Avenue, Judea, Tauranga
Waste Management
Phone: (07) 577 9440
EPS Foam
Phone: 021 954 196
13 Kioreroa Road, Whangarei
Our factories recycle all waste generated in our manufacturing process.
We offer free recycling to all our customers. Please arrange a time for drop off.
Free ‘drop off’ to our factory of ‘clean’ polystyrene that is bagged. (this service is for private individuals) Commercial Service - ‘bulk bags’ (which we supply) at a cost of $25.00 each
Waste Management
Phone: (07) 308 9190
44 Te Tahi St, Whakatane 3120
Appointment only. Call for current pricing
Hugh McEwan
Phone: 03 341 9147
Poly Palace
Phone: 04 526 8279
Spicer Landfill, Broken Hill Road, Porirua
Recycling charges apply.
Styrobeck Ltd.
Phone: 04 586 0254
64 Pharazyn Street, Lower Hutt